
My Cancer Story – Feelings & Support – Getting to know Rose Cugliari.

Three words a person never wants to hear from a physician is “you have cancer”. That’s what I
was told that cool November morning in 2017.
Following the initial investigations of a tumor, I was told I have colorectal cancer but at that point
I didn’t know what stage it was or what I was dealing with in terms of treatment. A number of
tests needed to be done to provide those answers.

So many feelings, so many questions, I needed to be patient and I needed to stay positive. I
am definitely a “glass half full” kind of person and that optimistic person wanted to believe that in
spite of those ugly words, I was going to be okay. I convinced myself that it was caught early. I
prayed that it was caught early. Truthfully, I was scared. I was afraid of the unknown and I
hated the thought of having to share this news with my family, friends and work colleagues.
When I found out it was stage 3 cancer, the first question I asked was “what is the survival
rate”? I was told 70% of stage 3 colorectal cancer patients will survive for 5 years or more after
they are diagnosed. The optimistic me should have been thinking I have a 70% chance of
surviving this, however I couldn’t help but think there’s a 30% chance I could die. Never in my
life would I have focused on 30% when the odds were clearly in my favor. It’s incredible how
this diagnosis changes how you think about things.

I met with my oncologist to discuss my treatment and what my journey would look like. She said
to me “Studies have shown….better results”. This meant 9 weeks of radiation, 3 weeks
recovery, surgery, 4 weeks recovery from surgery and 4 months of chemo. The thought that I
was going to lose a year of my life was honestly overwhelming. I wanted so badly to feel sorry
for myself, but I couldn’t. I needed to be strong for me and for all of those people who were
supporting me.

Speaking of people, since my questions had all been answered, it was time to share the news
with my family, friends and colleagues. It was TOUGH! I can completely understand why some
individuals prefer not to share too much. The conversations were difficult and exhausting but I
wanted to be open and transparent about my diagnosis and prognosis. I wasn’t fighting this
battle on my own. My family, friends and colleagues fought right along with me. I needed their
support, their positivity, their love and their prayers. I needed to stop thinking about 30% and
focus on the 70%. I will never forget how amazing everyone was throughout my journey.
It takes a team of doctors, radiologists, technicians, nurses, and so many others to get you
through a cancer journey. When we discussed my treatment plan, what my oncologist said was
studies have shown that survival rates for stage 3 colorectal cancer have shown to be better if
radiation is done before surgery, followed by chemo after surgery. I am so grateful for those
studies, for the research, technology and all the knowledge that is available because of the
money we raise for organizations like WICC. I am here today because of that support.

Let us continue to support cancer research and maybe, just maybe, cancer will be a thing of the

Rose Cugliari is Assistant Vice President at AIG Canada. She is a strong supporter of WICC.

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