
Donate to any of our chapters below.

Once you click on the chapter, you will be redirected to the chapter's donate page.

Make a Tribute Donation

Your donation can be made as a tribute to celebrate or remember a loved one. Established at the 2008 Dinner, the WICC Tribute Recognition initiative is a tangible and meaningful way to honour friends, colleagues and family members who have had cancer. It’s a way for you to unite behind the passing memory or living courage of one person who has touched your life – and raise money in that person’s name. The seven WICC Tributes currently established have raised over $110,000. This option turns your thoughtful gesture into something that directly helps in the quest to find a cure.

Make a Gift Donation

Recognize someone special with a gift donation for a birthday, wedding, anniversary or other occasion. Honour a loved one on their special day with a cancer-fighting gift. With Tribute and Gift Donations we’ll mail a special acknowledgement card by Canada Post to the person you designate.

Make a General Donation

General donations can be made at any time and no amount is too small. They show your generosity and support for the work accomplished by WICC. By making a general donation you contribute to the fight to end cancer.

Giving Tuesday - November 28th, 2023

GivingTuesday is a global movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Black Friday. This year, let's join together and support WICC to positively change the future of cancer. Join millions of people across Canada who donate on this special day.

The involvement of all WICC supporters and volunteers has made it possible for WICC to achieve its Mission:
To unite and engage the Canadian Insurance community to fund cancer research, support and education, and improve the lives of those affected by cancer.