Volunteer With Us

Since the inception of Women In Insurance Cancer Crusade (WICC) in 1996, with the help of the entire insurance industry and its supporters, over $19,200,000 has been raised in support of cancer research and education. The involvement of all WICC supporters and volunteers has made it possible for WICC to achieve its Mission.

But there is so much more to do, and WICC needs your help to raise awareness, promote cancer research and education, and generate donations!

If you’re interested in learning more about getting involved with WICC, please contact your local WICC Chapter (ON, QC, AB, BC) and ask to get connected with your volunteer coordinator. 

Alternatively, why not get involved in our newly developed Ambassador Program, which aims to empower passionate individuals to tell our story in an impactful manner. Ambassadors will represent WICC local events and functions, and promote our work and the importance of the funds our supporters raise. We need you to help us build relations in our local communities and explore new ways to reach people and raise funds.

What are the benefits of being an Ambassador?

Being a WICC Ambassador offers many opportunities, from helping to support a great cause growing your skills, to representing WICC at various functions and events.

As an Ambassador, you will:

  • Make an impact and help propel our Mission
  • Form powerful connections by connecting with Senior Executives within the insurance industry
  • Forge relationships and build broader social networks
  • Receive mentorship
  • Boost your learning and development

What is the time commitment for Ambassadors?

Ambassadors are asked to commit up to 40 hours per year for 2 years. Ambassadors may be asked to attend local events to represent WICC. Your involvement level, ultimately, is up to you! Ambassadors are encouraged to participate at a level they are comfortable at.

Do I need to have any previous experience?

Previous experience is not necessary to be an Ambassador. All Ambassadors will be receiving training by WICC members.

What are my roles and responsibilities as an Ambassador?

  • Support board and committee members and chairs with local events
  • Attend various events on behalf of WICC (Gala, Breakfast, Golf, Relay for Life, Next Gen, National Sponsors, Career Fairs…just to name a few)
  • Attend 2 In Person/Virtual Events to increase awareness of what we do
  • Share your thoughts and ideas to amplify our voice
  • Assistance with news stories and social media exposure. Appearing in video clips. Lending your profile to be quoted in media releases.
  • Host an event at your place of employment/ school /national sponsors to heighten WICC’s presence/awareness
  • Share our story on your social networks – specific links, hashtags will be provided

Will Ambassadors receive training?

Yes! After attending a one-time training session, Ambassadors will receive ongoing training and support:

  • We will give you a well-rounded view of WICC and what it does, including content guidelines, messaging help, and shareable media
  • Will include a 30-minute overview with each director/chair portfolio: Treasurer/Donations, National Sponsorship, Community Initiatives, National Brand and Chapters, Communication/Media Relations, Volunteer Management
  • All Ambassadors will have a direct link to Sindy Houle, Chair of Volunteer Management and will also be supported by committee members

Sounds great! How can I get started?

Please contact Sindy Houle, Chair – Donations and Community Outreach. Contact details below.

WICC British Columbia

Denise Yeng


WICC Ontario

Sindy Houle

Chair, Donations and Community Outreach

WICC Alberta

Jennifer Davis


WICC Quebec

Janik Lachance
