
WICC thanks NICC!



Since 2008, WICC has had the distinct honor of being chosen as the charity of choice by the National Insurance Conference of Canada (NICC).  This year the conference was held September 21st to 23rd at the Westin, Ottawa. Proceeds from a silent auction (held prior to the elegant gala dinner) as well as speaker fee donations, allowed WICC to raise the outstanding amount of $17,700 through this event. This amazing achievement would not have been possible without the numerous generous item donations as well as the attendees’ competitive bidding spirit! Marilyn Horrick, WICC Ontario Co-chair, reminded the audience that 100% of the funds raised by WICC go directly to fund cancer research and are not subject to any administration charges.  Sylvie Tremblay, WICC Ottawa Co-Chair was also pleased to announce that WICC National was recently honored by the Canadian Cancer Society with their 2014 Corporate Achievement Award.  On behalf of all its board members WICC wishes to express its heartfelt thanks to Joel Baker, NICC CEO & President, and his entire team for having once again extended the privilege for WICC to be part of such a prestigious event.    


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