
WICC National Sponsors Lead the Way and Relay At Home

Among WICC’s National Sponsors, these companies are coming out in full force to show their support for cancer research and initiatives. They know there has never been a more important time to fund cancer research.  

Chubb Insurance Company of Canada:

“Chubb has taken the opportunity to engage each of our branches across Canada in the virtual Relay At Home event scheduled for Ontario this June. One Chubb team, with a focused commitment to this event, allows us to build an even stronger connection to WICC and its fundraising to support cancer research. “

Ellen J. Moore, President & CEO, Chubb Insurance Company of Canada

Liberty Mutual Canada

“We’re delighted to support WICC and this year’s Relay at Home fundraising effort,” says Garth Pepper, President, Liberty Mutual Canada. “With everyone working from home, this virtual event is a great way to keep our team connected and to unite the insurance industry under the common goal of raising money to focus on cancer research, support and education.”

Garth Pepper, President & CEO, Liberty Mutual Canada

Northbridge Insurance

“Northbridge Insurance is proud to support WICC and rally as an insurance community to unite together in the fight against Cancer.  We appreciate that 100% of the funds raised through WICC go directly to Cancer Research with no administration fees. 

Our Northbridge Navigator team will be joining Relay at Home this year to help support and raise funds toward cancer research.   It’s going to be a fun interactive event that everyone can participate in and celebrate our family, friends and colleagues who are now cancer free, support those living with cancer and remember those we’ve lost to cancer.”

Shari Dodsworth
Senior Vice President, Sales & Distribution

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