
Supporting The Science – Getting to know Michael Butler.

Michael Butler is no stranger to cancer. After losing both sets of grandparents and an aunt, he
remembers feeling powerless at the time. The family didn’t know much about the disease at the time; it
was “just cancer.” Today, research developments and discoveries that significantly impact the quality of
life for people living with cancer are available…a reality Michael promotes each day.

Science is an important motivator for Michael, which is why he dedicates his time to supporting cancer
research. In fact, it runs in the family, his sister is an oncologist with the University Health Network
(UHN) in Toronto. It was Michael’s dedication to cancer research led him to WICC 16 yeas ago.
Michael first joined WICC as a national sponsor. Today, Michael sits on the WICC Board and for the past
13 years, has served as co-chair of the annual gala.

“I will never be a chair, always a co-chair, because I like teamwork.” Michael reflects. “I am in
awe at how hard committees and board members work. We are all amazed at the dedication of
WICC volunteers and their companies. They come from supportive employers that allow us all to
spend time working on WICC initiatives. This has always been consistent – do what needs to be
done. The entire insurance industry works together with a shared vision and goal. I love that

Michael’s proudest event is the annual WICC Gala; a high-profile event that gathers, celebrates and
fundraises. Education is a large part of the evening, to inspire donors, the insurance industry at large and
people living with cancer. The gala committee of 12 works hard to deliver educational research
advancements to attendees, like the discovery of the breast cancer genome. The gala is full of fun with
auctions, door prizes and some fantastic entertainment, like Chantal Kreviazuk one year. The best part
for Michael? “Getting to donate an oversized golf-style cheque – it’s massive, as big as the ones
professional golfers get! It is so motivating and inspiring to have the honour of doing that.”

Michael shares his passion with the next generation of his family. One of the most memorable events
was the 2010 Relay for Life. Michael’s seven-year-old daughter saw the power of a large group of
organizations coming together. During the tribute portion of the event, she saw her grandparents’
names and as their lamps became brighter, it left an immense impact on her.

Michael’s hope for the future is the continuation of research dollars, increased support for studies,
grants and drug trials, and support from organizations like WICC. As the next generation of Canadians
dedicate their lives to cancer research, his message to them is, “Keep us motivated. Keep us inspired.
And keep us hopeful about seeing cancer eradicated one day.”

Michael Butler is Head of Insurance and Risk at Vale Base Metals

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