Mobilizing For A Cure
Since the inception of WICC in 1996, with the help of the entire insurance industry and its supporters, over $13,700,000 has been raised in support of cancer research and education. This has been achieved from industry support at a variety of WICC functions, including dinners, learning breakfasts, concerts, relays, golf tournaments, as well as the purchase of WICC candles, CDs and other products. In addition, numerous individuals, companies and associations within and related to the insurance industry have held or sponsored events specifically to raise funds for WICC or directed the proceeds of their annual events to WICC.

The involvement of all WICC supporters and volunteers has made it possible for WICC to achieve its Mission:
To mobilize the Canadian Insurance Industry in the fight against cancer by focusing on cancer research, support and education. 

Your Donation Makes a Difference
Thanks to our longstanding relationship with the Canadian Cancer Society 100% of WICC donations go directly towards funding all types of cancer research projects, directing funds as follows:

  • The first $200,000 donated to CCS is to be directed to breast cancer research projects.
  • The next $100,000 donated to CCS is to be directed to prostate cancer research projects.
  • The balance of donations is to be divided equally amongst breast, prostate and “other” cancer research projects.
Thank you for your supporting WICC.
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  • Donations
    September 24, 2018 - December 31, 2018
    8:00 am - 11:55 pm
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