
Chapter Successes in the last 6 months


  • The 2019 11th Annual October Gala Dinner was very successful and allowed the Quebec chapter to present $150,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society on behalf of the Industry for 2019. This was the year the chapter got to the one million dollar mark as total funds raised by WICC QC.
  • The CCS presented a plaque of recognition to thank the QC chapter for that one million dollar contribution – presented at the end of the evening.
  • WICC @ NICC hosted by WICC QC raised just over $19,519 last year, including $8,000 in their silent auction and raffle. MSA Research has now raised $195,000 for WICC since the beginning of its 11 year relationship.

ON Chapter

  • The National Sponsor appreciation Luncheon and lab tour on Feb 27th was a great success. We had 11 board members in attendance and 15 National Sponsor reps from 10 of the 17 companies. IBC and IBAO Reps also attended as our guests.
  • In January 2020, WICC Ontario reached a milestone of $10,000,000 raised for the CCS. The link to the CCS Press Release was posted to the various social media platforms. This brings the aggregate National figure to $17.5 million since WICC’s inception in 1996.
  • The TO Learning Breakfast in November 2019 raised just over $17,000 in net proceeds.
  • The two WICC ON NeXt Gen events in 2019 raised just over $2,500 in net proceeds.
  • WICC ON raised $825 for GivingTuesday on Dec 2, 2019. So between ON and AB we have raised $1,405 dollars! A good result for our first year getting this initiative off the ground.
  • In late 2019, the IBAO made WICC their “Charity of Choice” and invited Marilyn Horrick and Michael Butler to attend their Gala convention to say a few words and accept a cheque on behalf of WICC. Ontario brokers raised over $23,000 for WICC that night. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the IBAO – WICC’s first “Community Partner”. Please click here to learn more about this partnership.

AB Chapter

  • WICC AB host one event a year – the Gold Flame Awards luncheon in January. In January 2020 they had a great attendance and raised WICC Alberta’s highest ever funds, at over $25,000.
  • WICC AB also raised $580 for Giving Tuesday on Dec 2, 2019. 

BC Chapter

  • In 2019, the BC Chapter completed their final payment to the Canadian Cancer Society on the prior pledge of $600,000. They have since launched their new pledge of $1000,000 to be raised for the CCS by 2025.
  • The WICC BOD for BC will receive the Canadian Cancer Society “Celebration of Leadership Award“ this year.
  • WICC BC and Friends’ Valentine’s luncheon on February 14th raised $6,150, taking total donation for luncheon to $250K (since 2003).
  • Board agreed on how sponsorship will be attributed at the new CCS building – our pledge will provide us with naming and recognition of the roof garden.
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